Luum Awards 2022 desvela su palmarés y ganadores

Las agencias españolas 9 Días y VMLY&R Health consiguen dos de los ocho grandes premios otorgados por el jurado este año. La red VMLY&R se alza con el título de la red del año. La organización desvelará el trabajo ganador del máximo galardón del certamen y los premios especiales el próximo 4 de noviembre en la gala de entrega de premios que se celebrará en Ginebra, Suiza

La organización de los Luum Awards ha desvelado los trabajos  ganadores de la segunda edición del festival, certamen internacional que tiene puesto el foco en el marketing con causa. El jurado ha conformado un palmarés formado por medio centenar de campañas y trabajos creativos que están llamados a ser los más destacados del año en el terreno de las causas sociales, medioambientales y de bienestar, otorgando en total 112 premios a desarrollos ideados por anunciantes y agencias de los cinco continentes. 

Esta segunda edición está marcada por la alta participación y presencia en el listado de ganadores de grandes redes multinacionales como AKQA, BBDO, Cheil, DDB, Dentsu, Edelman, Geometry, Grey, Havas, McCann, Ogilvy, Saatchi & Saatchi, Wunderman Thompson, TBWA, VCCP y VMLY&R. De hecho VMLY&R se alza con el título de la red del año, gracias al papel desempeñado por sus filiales en España, Canadá, Colombia e Italia.

No obstante entre los ganadores también hay muchos actores independientes (la canadiense Zulu Alpha Kilo, la chilena MGC de Chile y la holandesa DEPT han destacado en el palmarés igualmente) e incluso anunciantes finales que han decidido igualmente inscribir sus trabajos, como es el caso de Fnac España (ver palmarés completo al final de la noticia)

El jurado ha otorgado 112 oros (en este certamen solo se premia a los ganadores con metal dorado) a un puñado de campañas ideadas y desarrolladas desde Australia, Argentina, Estados Unidos, Canadá, España, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, México, Marruecos, Costa Rica, Rumanía, Reino Unido, Kenia, Holanda, Singapur, Colombia, Guatemala, Brasil, Bolivia, Chile, Panamá, Japón, Dinamarca, Honduras, Perú, Italia, Republica Dominicana, Venezuela, Nigeria y Andorra. 

Igualmente ha hecho entrega de ocho grandes premios (dos han recaído en trabajos españoles), entre los cuales podría estar el Titanium del festival, el máximo galardón del certamen, si así lo ratifican los jurados que se reunirán este 4 de noviembre en el Hilton Convention Center de Ginebra, Suiza, sede de la segunda edición de Luum Awards y ciudad reconocida por ser el centro de algunas de las más poderosos ONG´s del mundo.

Los ocho Grand Prix han recaído en trabajos de Zubi Advertising (la agencia de Estados Unidos se lleva el máximo galardón en la sección de Essence of the message, en la de Planet y en Comuniación Institucional, por lo que cierra el certamen como la principal protagonista), VMLY&R Health Spain (España), La Fábrica y JBQ Grey (Guatemala), McCann Health Sao Paulo (Brasil), 9 Días (España) y Ogilvy Honduras (que consigue el gran premio en Health & Wellness y en la seción de Human Rights)

Buen resultado de la publicidad española 

España, como potencia publicitaria, ha vuelto a desempeñar un papel destacado en esta segunda edición del certamen, consiguiendo dos grandes premios y un total de 14 oros en diferentes secciones y categorías.

Dentro de los ganadores españoles destaca el papel desempeñado por  la campaña 'Sugar kids', ideada por VMLY&R Health Spain, para el Ministerio  de Consumo de España, que ha conseguido cuatro oros y ser galardonada con el gran premio en la sección de  Causes,  Otro gran premio (y un oro) ha recaído en 'Historias de serie', de la agencia sevillana 9 Días para Los Vázquez . Igualmente la campaña  'WarmingThreads', de VCCP Spain y Twitter España, vuelve a casa con otros tres oros.

El resto de oros españoles han recaído en las campañas 'Runki, la carrera de superhéroes', de Agencia Nasas y la firma Runki; 'Rebels for change', de Agencia Sensei y EDP Rebovables;  'Gafas de realidad mejorada', de BBDO&Proximity Spain para Fundacion Aladina, Fundación Bosch y Fundación Small; 'Pets welcome', de Fnac España; 'Voces del progreso', de Manifiesto y Fundación La Caixa; 'Rocío', de Oriol Villar y Fundación La Caixa; y 'Paper sea', de Sherman Creative Collective y Orloga Ingeniería.



Causes Partnerships to Achieve Goals - Internet/Social Media WWF Footprints of Extinction Inbrax Chile
Causes Partnerships to Achieve Goals - PR/CRM Wrangler #TheLastBottleofWater MGC Chile
Causes Partnerships to Achieve Goals - Effectiveness Rescue Me Foundation PetInterns Geometry Colombia / VMLY&R Commerce Colombia
Causes Fundraising & Advocacy - Effectiveness League Against Cancer The League of the Leagues Orange 360 Peru
Causes Causes / Campaigns Plaza del Sol A song for the deaf Valor Peru
Causes Fundraising & Advocacy - Others Fundación Aladina, Fundación Bosch, Fundación Small Gafas de Realidad Mejorada // Enhanced Reality Glasses BBDO&PROXIMITY Spain
Causes Partnerships to Achieve Goals - Outdoor Spanish Ministry of Consumer Affairs Sugar Kids VMLY&R HEALTH Spain
Causes Fundraising & Advocacy - Design The CLEO Institute Melting Florida Zubi Advertising United states
Causes Fundraising & Advocacy - Internet/Social Media Fundaparcka Parkinson´s Scale films WINGS The Agency Venezuela
Designs for a better world Eco-friendly and Sustainable Packaging NGO Eu Apoio Leite Materno Mother\\\'s Milk Donate Glass Bottle McCann Health Sao Paulo Brazil
Designs for a better world Design Solutions for a Better World NGO Eu Apoio Leite Materno Mother\\\'s Milk Donate Glass Bottle McCann Health Sao Paulo Brazil
Designs for a better world Designs for a Better World / Campaigns   Unboxing the TD Pilot Black Box Productions Canada
Designs for a better world Design Solutions for a Better World: Outdoor ŠAMAŠ The Hope Booths La Fábrica y JBQ GREY Guatemala
Designs for a better world Eco-friendly and Sustainable Advertising Lagos State Parks and Gardens / X3M ideas The Grow Project X3M ideas Nigeria
Essence of the Message Empowerment - Internet/Social Media UrSafe #StayAtHomeSafe XELMY Andorra
Essence of the Message Sporting values - Internet/Social Media GYMPASS RESOLUTION TIME The3Hundred Argentina
Essence of the Message Sporting values - Effectiveness Tennis Australia Action Audio AKQA ---- U Australia
Essence of the Message Environmental respect - Print Alas Chiquitanas No to the bridge Humano Bolivia
Essence of the Message Diversity and inclusion UnitedHealth Group Outcare Havas Health & You Brazil
Essence of the Message Equality - Design Pfaff Harley-Davidson Tough Turban Zulu Alpha Kilo Canada
Essence of the Message Diversity and inclusion - Education - Internet/Social Media The Micropedia of Microaggressions The Micropedia of Microaggressions Zulu Alpha Kilo Canada
Essence of the Message Diversity and inclusion - Design Pfaff Harley-Davidson Tough Turban Zulu Alpha Kilo Canada
Essence of the Message Equality - Internet/Social Media The Micropedia of Microaggressions The Micropedia of Microaggressions Zulu Alpha Kilo Canada
Essence of the Message Environmental respect - Internet/Social Media WWF Footprints of Extinction Inbrax Chile
Essence of the Message Equality - PR/CRM Converse Converse City Forest MGC Chile
Essence of the Message Empowerment - PR/CRM Reebok #LaPlazadeTodas MGC Chile
Essence of the Message Essence of the Message / Campaigns Colpensiones Start your forever, today. HAROLD ZEA & ASOCIADOS Colombia
Essence of the Message Academic Values - Effectiveness CAFÉ DE COLOMBIA REAL ACADEMIA DEL CAFÉ RCFarias Colombia
Essence of the Message Solidarity Amnisty A LEtter From The World VMLY&R Colombia
Essence of the Message Diversity and inclusion - Outdoor Radio Hit y Grupo Panorama Esta Valla Quiere ser una radio Brandy Creativity & Technology Costa Rica
Essence of the Message Equality - Outdoor Taco Bell Extraordinary Ads Garnier BBDO Costa Rica
Essence of the Message Empowerment - Internet/Social Media Canesten V A Calzon Quitado HouseDentsu Costa Rica
Essence of the Message Solidarity - Outdoor PAPA JOHN´S ECUADOR THE BRO BOX AGENCIA VIBRA Ecuador
Essence of the Message Environmental respect - Outdoor The UNEP & Safaricom PLC The Breathing Billboard Dentsu Kenya
Essence of the Message Diversity and inclusion - Print AMAD Inclusive Education Birth Group Mexico
Essence of the Message Diversity and inclusion - Internet/Social Media Philips Made for everybody and every body. DEPT Netherlands
Essence of the Message Empowerment - Effectiveness SwedCham - Swedish Chamber of Commerce of Singapore Candid - 100 Perspectives on Gender Equality Dilucidar Singapur
Essence of the Message Diversity and inclusion - Effectiveness RUNKI RUNKI, THE SUPERHEROES RACE Agencia Nasas Spain
Essence of the Message Equality - Film EDP Renewables Rebels for change Agencia Sensei Spain
Essence of the Message Respect for Animal Rights Fnac España Pets Welcome Fnac España Spain
Essence of the Message Environmental respect - Design The CLEO Institute Melting Florida Zubi Advertising United states
Essence of the Message Solidarity - Internet/Social Media Fundaparcka Parkinson´s Scale films WINGS The Agency Venezuela
Health & Wellness Health & Wellness Education & Awareness UnitedHealth Group Outcare Havas Health & You Brazil
Health & Wellness Health & Wellness Education & Awareness - Design NGO Eu Apoio Leite Materno Mother\\\'s Milk Donate Glass Bottle McCann Health Sao Paulo Brazil
Health & Wellness Mental Health, Education & Awareness - Effectiveness Rescue Me Foundation PetInterns Geometry Colombia / VMLY&R Commerce Colombia
Health & Wellness Health & Wellness/ Covid: Awareness and adaptation to a New Reality Rescue Me Foundation PetInterns Geometry Colombia / VMLY&R Commerce Colombia
Health & Wellness Animal Health, Education & Awareness - Effectiveness Rescue Me Foundation PetInterns Geometry Colombia / VMLY&R Commerce Colombia
Health & Wellness Sexual and Reproductive Health, Education & Awareness - Internet/Social Media Canesten V A Calzon Quitado HouseDentsu Costa Rica
Health & Wellness Mental Health, Education & Awareness - Film Harklinikken It\'s more than hair. It\'s you Nordlid Denmark
Health & Wellness Sexual and Reproductive Health, Education & Awareness - Effectiveness Grupo Estratégico PAE Morning After Island Ogilvy Honduras
Health & Wellness Sexual and Reproductive Health, Education & Awareness - PR/CRM Grupo Estratégico PAE Morning After Island Ogilvy Honduras
Health & Wellness Health & Wellness Education & Awareness - Design Pierre Fabre The Real Fortune Teller VMLY&R Health Italy
Health & Wellness Health & Wellness Education & Awareness Unbranded (Disease Awareness Communication) 6 Minutes Together McCann Health Japan Japan
Health & Wellness Health & Wellness / Campaigns Philips It\'s right under your nose DEPT Netherlands
Health & Wellness Health & Wellness Education & Awareness -Partnerships to Achieve Goals Peru without cancer - One Life of Dakota Wear the pink Orange 360 Peru
Health & Wellness Health & Wellness/ Covid: Responsibility and Prevention Voces PR Sella tu Compromiso Arteaga & Arteaga Puerto Rico
Health & Wellness Health & Wellness Education & Awareness - Outdoor Spanish Ministry of Consumer Affairs Sugar Kids VMLY&R HEALTH Spain Spain
Health & Wellness Health & Wellness Education & Awareness - Internet/Social Media Colon cancer Coalition #MissionToUranus BeautifulBeast United States
Health & Wellness Health & Wellness Education & Awareness - Effectiveness Colon cancer Coalition #MissionToUranus BeautifulBeast United States
Human Rights Social Security UrSafe #StayAtHomeSafe XELMY Andorra
Human Rights Liberty Human Rights Foundation Uyghur Force Labor Checker TAXI Canada
Human Rights Right to Work - Forced Labour, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Human Rights Foundation Uyghur Force Labor Checker TAXI Canada
Human Rights Human Rights / Campaigns Human Rights Foundation Uyghur Force Labor Checker TAXI Canada
Human Rights Reducing Inequalities - Gender Equality Volkswagen Chile has 2 Copa Libertadores Walkers Chile
Human Rights Right To Life Amnisty A LEtter From The World VMLY&R Colombia
Human Rights Right to Work - Education and Awareness Supermercados Santa María LA BOLSA DE TRABAJO AGENCIA VIBRA Ecuador
Human Rights Justice ŠAMAŠ The Hope Booths La Fábrica y JBQ GREY Guatemala
Human Rights Reducing Inequalities - Gender Equality Grupo Estratégico PAE Morning After Island Ogilvy Honduras
Human Rights Human Rights - Protection Grupo Estratégico PAE Morning After Island Ogilvy Honduras
Human Rights Human Rights - Education and Awareness CEAR Human Rights - Education and Awareness Está Pasando Human Rights
Human Rights Human Rights / Campaigns / Outdoor International Amnesty Absurd Discrimination Olístico Peru
Human Rights Reducing Inequalities - Language Plaza del Sol A song for the deaf Valor Peru
Human Rights Democracy Fondation Des Femmes The Cost of Inequality Daniel J Edelman Ltd United Kingdom
Human Rights Anti-Discrimination Race Equality Matters #Mynameis - The Fuh-Net-Ic Filter Daniel J Edelman Ltd United Kingdom
Human Rights Reducing Inequalities - Other Inequalities FELGTB #RealVoicesofPride Daniel J Edelman Ltd United Kingdom
Institutional Communication: NGOs; Communities and Associations; Governmental, Social and Environmental Entities Corporate and Institutional Communication of Governmental Social and Environmental Organizations - PR/CRM Sociedad Chilena de Cirujanos Plasticos #YourSurgeonShouldBePlastico MGC Chile
Institutional Communication: NGOs; Communities and Associations; Governmental, Social and Environmental Entities Corporate and Institutional Communication of Non-governmental Social and Environmental Organizations (NGOS) - Internet/Social Media Esfuerzo Ciudadano Que No Te Pele Costa RIca Brandy Creativity & Technology Costa Rica
Institutional Communication: NGOs; Communities and Associations; Governmental, Social and Environmental Entities Corporate and Institutional Communication of Governmental Social and Environmental Organizations - Film Municipio de Quito Toys Madison Ecuador
Institutional Communication: NGOs; Communities and Associations; Governmental, Social and Environmental Entities Corporate and Institutional Communication of Non-governmental Social and Environmental Organizations (NGOS) - Outdoor The UNEP & Safaricom PLC The Breathing Billboard Dentsu Kenya
Institutional Communication: NGOs; Communities and Associations; Governmental, Social and Environmental Entities Corporate and Institutional Communication of Associations, Groups and Communities - Outdoor Fundación unidos por la niñez Esperanza - La Niña Vela Independiente Panama Panama
Institutional Communication: NGOs; Communities and Associations; Governmental, Social and Environmental Entities Corporate and Institutional Communication of Non-governmental Social and Environmental Organizations (NGOS) - Film ANAIS Association Some Masks Remain Cheil Centrade Romania
Institutional Communication: NGOs; Communities and Associations; Governmental, Social and Environmental Entities Corporate and Institutional Communication of Associations, Groups and Communities Swedish Chamber of Commerce Candid Dilucidar Singapur
Institutional Communication: NGOs; Communities and Associations; Governmental, Social and Environmental Entities Corporate and Institutional Communication of Non-governmental Social and Environmental Organizations (NGOS La Caixa Foundation Voices of progress Manifiesto Spain
Institutional Communication: NGOs; Communities and Associations; Governmental, Social and Environmental Entities Corporate and Institutional Communication of Associations, Groups and Communities - Film Fundación \"la Caixa\" Rocio Oriol Villar Spain
Institutional Communication: NGOs; Communities and Associations; Governmental, Social and Environmental Entities Institutional / Campaigns Twitter WarmingThreads VCCP Spain
Institutional Communication: NGOs; Communities and Associations; Governmental, Social and Environmental Entities Corporate and Institutional Communication of Associations, Groups and Communities - Internet/Social Media Twitter WarmingThreads VCCP Spain
Institutional Communication: NGOs; Communities and Associations; Governmental, Social and Environmental Entities Corporate and Institutional Communication of Governmental Social and Environmental Organizations - Effectiveness Spanish Ministry of Consumer Affairs Sugar Kids VMLY&R HEALTH Spain Spain
Institutional Communication: NGOs; Communities and Associations; Governmental, Social and Environmental Entities Corporate and Institutional Communication of Governmental Social and Environmental Organizations - Outdoor Spanish Ministry of Consumer Affairs Sugar Kids VMLY&R HEALTH Spain Spain
Institutional Communication: NGOs; Communities and Associations; Governmental, Social and Environmental Entities Corporate and Institutional Communication of Non-governmental Social and Environmental Organizations (NGOS) - Design The CLEO Institute Melting Florida Zubi Advertising United states
Institutional Communication: NGOs; Communities and Associations; Governmental, Social and Environmental Entities Corporate and Institutional Communication of Non-governmental Social and Environmental Organizations (NGOS) - Internet/Social Media Fundaparcka Parkinson´s Scale films WINGS The Agency Venezuela
Planet Responsible Consumption and Production BANCO DE ALIMENTOS ZERO WASTE HOLIDAYS BUPPA Argentina
Planet Climate Action Vivaldi The Uncertain Four Seasons AKQA ---- U Australia
Planet Promoting Clean Water and Sanitation Fundación PLAN, One Drop, Fundación Femsa, The Coca Cola Foundation y el BID (Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo) Agua para Convidarte El Bando Creativo Colombia
Planet Responsible Consumption and Production Data Center CR From Hydro to Crypto interaction Costa Rica
Planet Promoting Sustainable Cities and Communities Data Center CR From Hydro to Crypto interaction Costa Rica
Planet Promoting Affordable and Clean Energy Data Center CR From Hydro to Crypto interaction Costa Rica
Planet Protecting Underwater Life Corona Non a City el taier DDB Centro Guatemala
Planet Planet / Campaigns BoomEngaged REAL HORROR \0 Boomerang Morocco
Planet Responsible Consumption and Production Orloga Ingeniería Paper Sea Shernan Creative Collective Spain
Planet Protecting Life on Land The CLEO Institute Melting Florida Zubi Advertising United states
Society Campaigns / Society / Digital Los Vazquez Historias de Serie 9 Días Spain
Society Campaigns / Stop War / Society GAMA LIFE CAN CHANGE YOU AMEN ARGENTINA Argentina
Society Childhood - Anti- Bullying Campaigns Casual Skateboards Breaking Biases Volcanum Creative Lab Brazil
Society Responsible Communication - Ethical Communication and Fake News Volkswagen Let’s talk about Women’s Football Walkers Chile
Society Campaigns / Society Amnisty A LEtter From The World VMLY&R Colombia
Society Hunger JOMPEAME | Nathalie Hazim Music a vehicle for help Room Grupo Creativo SRL Dominican Republic
Society Childhood - Stop Child Abuse Municipio de Quito Toys Madison Ecuador
Society Childhood - Stop Child Abuse - Print El Refugio de la niñez Unexpected Realities el taier DDB Centro Guatemala
Society Stop Violence Instituto Nacional de la Mujer Don\'t normalize it Verbo Panama
Society Poverty Twitter WarmingThreads VCCP Spain
Society Campaign against sexual exploitation and abuse United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Bodyright Daniel J Edelman Ltd United Kingdom


Fuente: Luum Awards 2022